What is textile wallpaper and what are its features

The types of wallpapers that are currently offered by the market are very diverse. Moreover, there are quite unusual options that are not particularly popular among most owners, although they have amazing characteristics. Textile wallpaper is the clearest example in this case. What should you know about this material in order to use it correctly?

What is called textile wallpaper

In general, fabric has been used for wall decoration for several millennia. It's just that initially natural fabrics were used for the decorative design of work surfaces, and now wallpaper made on a non-woven basis is used instead. Such a base is covered, in fact, with a cloth. The fabric can be either natural or artificial.

The material is made in the form of canvases, which, like ordinary wallpaper, are simply rolled up. A distinctive feature here is the large width of the canvases. Most often it is about 150 cm. Although there are samples whose width is 250-300 cm. They work with textile wallpaper in about the same way as with other varieties. That is, they are laid on an adhesive composition, having previously leveled and primed the work surface.

The main advantages of textile wallpaper

Of course, this material is most appreciated for its presentability. With the help of textile wallpaper, you can get a unique finish and transform any room beyond recognition. At the same time, textile wallpapers also have remarkable thermal and sound insulation characteristics.

If we are talking about natural samples, among the advantages it is necessary to highlight the breathability, thanks to which it is possible to maintain the most favorable microclimate. There are samples that are characterized by a particularly large thickness and density. They, in turn, are able to mask some defects of the base.

Is there a problem with textile wallpaper

The most serious disadvantage of this finishing material is its high cost. Anyway, when they talk about samples from natural raw materials. In turn, artificial textile wallpaper is less environmentally friendly.

Dust also accumulates on the material too quickly, so they need to be taken care of very carefully. Care should be careful, because the front layer of textile wallpaper is too easy to damage if you use a hard brush or aggressive cleaning agents for cleaning. Bahisbey Güncel Giriş <br>
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